Tuning and realization for ADRC

Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control

Posted by OUC_WYC on March 15, 2021

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[1] Gao, Zhiqiang. “Scaling and bandwidth-parameterization based controller tuning.” Proceedings of the American control conference. Vol. 6. 2006.

[2] Chen, Xing, et al. “Tuning method for second-order active disturbance rejection control.” Proceedings of the 30th Chinese control conference. IEEE, 2011.

ADRC继承了PID的核心思想——反馈控制,并在此基础上发展而来。其主要特点是,把外部干扰和模型不确定性统一视为广义干扰$f$,并通过ESO(扩张状态观测器)的三个状态$z_1$, $z_2$, $z_3$,分别对$y$, $\dot{y}$, $f$进行实时追踪。在此过程中调整三个观测器的参数$\beta_1$, $\beta_2$, $\beta_3$,可以达到良好的观测效果。ADRC根据观测器得到的广义干扰观测结果,来调整控制输入可以实现自抗扰的控制效果。


\[\begin{cases} \dot{z}_{1}&=z_{2}+\beta_{1}(y-z_{1}) \\ \dot{z}_{2}&=z_{3}+\beta_{2}(y-z_{1})+B u \\ \dot{z}_{3}&=\beta_{3}(y-z_{1}) \end{cases}\]

When the parameters are well tuned, the three observer parameters track $y$, $\dot{y}$ and generalized disturbances $f$ respectively. Terms of $K_P$, $K_D$, and $B$ represent the controller parameters, and the control law is written as:

\[\begin{cases} u_{0}&=K_{P}(y_{s p}-z_{1})-K_{D} z_{2} \\ u&=(u_{0}-z_{3}) / B \end{cases}\]

where $y_{sp}$ is the set point of the response output. $B$ needs to be selected to weigh the stability and response speed of the closed-loop system.



Error = y - Z1;

Z1 += H * (Z2 + Beta1 * Error);
Z2 += H * (Z3 + Beta2 * Error + B * u * H2);
Z3 += H * (Beta3 * Error);

u = (Kp * (ysp - Z1) - Kd * Z2 - Z3) / (B * H2);

if (u > Range_MAX)    u = Range_MAX;
if (u < Range_MIN)    u = Range_MIN;


  1. y定义为传感器采集到的对象输出。
  2. Error定义为y与观测器状态z1的差值,不是PID中的反馈误差。
  3. H定义为步长,可设定为嵌入式系统运行周期,eg. H=0.001,即可在数字系统内表示导数,此处可理解为欧拉法
  4. H2定义为量纲放缩系数,用于平衡传感器采集到的电信号与执行器输出的电信号之间存在的量纲差距,需要根据实际系统计算得出。
  5. u定义为控制输入,将上述控制律模型中的两个公式进行了合并。
  6. 最后一步对控制输入u进行限幅。


We use the popular parameter tuning method proposed by Gao to conduct experiments.

a) Get the desired settling time $t_s$.

b) Let $\omega_c=10/t_s$, $K_P=\omega_c^2$ and $K_D=2\omega_c$.

c) Let $\omega_o=4\omega_o$, $\beta_1=3\omega_o$, $\beta_2=3\omega_o^2$ and $\beta_3=\omega_o^3$.

d) Increase $B$ gradually until the dynamic performance is satisfactory.